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Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Montana tribute to 9/11/01.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

With Reverence to Loss, We Must Awaken.

Americans lost their innocence on September 11, 2011. We lost good people who will be remembered by our friends, and colleagues for generations to come.

The service to others was remarkable in NYC on 9/11/01. The dedication to fellow Americans should never be forgotten--and it never will be.

Americans must now awaken to understand that our traditions, freedoms, were turned against us by our own government. 9/11/01 became the day that our own US Government could secretly turn on it's own to gain resources, and power over the people, constructing "protectionist" laws, causing deep seated fear.

It will be the people who obtain justice for the victims of 9/11/01, it will be the people who demand our constitutional rights returned. We must be skeptical of institutions and people [Government & Media] who under pretext are "looking after our best interest" in the United States.

The real pain we endure is the mounting evidence and experts indicating 9/11/01 was a coordinated, planned effort for resources far from our shores.

To the families: we will never forget, we will never believe some of the falsities already brought to light. An American tragedy 10 years ago will also be our triumph.

The awakening is the knowledge that power currently is not vested in the US Constitution as it should, but in a permanent war scenario giving the Executive Branch unlimited, and dangerous power. Our Constitution vests power in the people: The Americans.

Let's remember those lost ten years ago knowing their deaths will be vindicated with truth, a balancing of the great loss with a great truth:

Our country is off-track; it's patriotic people must awaken to the responsibility of our future.

Peace to Americans: we will never forget.

A message and sentiment from "We the (ordinary) People of Montana" who brought you the 2009 Civil Rights request to the 44th President of the United States; the first African American US President (and ignored).
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